Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Begins.....

...With the resolution to take the artwork seriously. I've been dabbling in watercolors and made a few but nothing that's a big deal. Got out several orders for Christmas that were acrylics, and plan to start another soon. The mural at work is coming along slowly. Very Slowly. Becuz it's AT work where interuptions are inevitable.
What's really been on my mind is trying some new techniques with the oil painting- but in order to do so I need to get some oil mediums so have a shopping list as well. But oils are my oldest and still favorite medium, however, I wish I had more practice and even some teachers for it would be great. Havent had an art teacher since I was 11 years old, and that was 2 hours a week for 6 weeks. But she got me started in oils but only taught the 'wet into wet' painting technique, so there is SO much to learn.
So the list of art mediums to conquer in 2010 is Oils, Watercolors, Pastels, and more Pen n Ink for the graphic novels awaiting. Not to mention all the other art mediums I'd like to try!