Sunday, January 17, 2010

progress on 4-H painting

10 hours into it so far. The background has been tamed down with a layer of burnt sienna but is still not done. (When totally dry I will add in the shadows with a dry brush) The kids are beginning to look like kids, the calf has another layer and some detail, and Bear the dog has been added. Only been able to work on it an hour here n there this past week, and no idea what tomorrow brings. I'm thinking it'll live above the tv when it's finished.
I have the next couple ones planned out but have no big enuf canvases. I decided against painting murals in the boy's rooms- for one, they'll probably outgrow it, and two, they will move out eventually, and three, the mural at work- well, let's just say it's not a scenario I wanna repeat here, even if my time here is mine. So Paintings it is, and they can keep them if they want to. One is to be dragons and the other is to be a scene of Africa, so that'll be alot of fun to get to play with some new subjects....